Womb & Femininity Emotional Release Session

This emotional release therapy session is all about connecting you back to the womb. One of the deepest wounds is the shame and guilt we feel around sexuality, sensuality and feminine expression. This class was created after seeing how common emotional repression in the womb is. 

This class is Not Live. It is a pre-recorded guided emotional release session by Dr. Gonzalez.

Buy Now $149
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Choose this Session if you experience:


  • Menstrual issues
  • Hormonal issues
  • Infertility
  • Lower back pain
  • Trauma from miscarriages and abortion
  • Sexual dysfunction
  • Shame around sexuality 
  • Intimacy issues
  • Past sexual trauma 
  • Stuck creatively
  • Self conscious when dancing
  • Resistance in receiving
  • Living with any unmet wants, needs or desires

What to expect:


  • Learning about why we repress emotions
  • When does emotional repression start
  • What repressed emotions do to the body
  • Learning how and we we protect ourselves from emotional releasing
  • Learning to get into the body
  • Experiencing what awareness of the womb feels like
  • Moving into safety and allowance
  • Emotional release
  • Coming back to your voice
  • Coming back to the power and softness of the womb. 
    Integration and take home exercises 


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Why Emotional Release?

In a world where health often gets compartmentalized, Emotional Release Sessions stand apart by providing a holistic approach to healing that acknowledges the interconnectedness of your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health.

Emotional Release Bundle


Get all Sessions and save!

Full Body Session

Womb & Femininity Session

Anger & Fear Session

Breathing Through Emotions

Anger and the Voice

Body Meditation

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For most of my adult life I searched for the definition of health. I searched for why people suffer from acute to the most chronic and deadliest of diseases. I always had an inherent need to not only understand but to also inform and empower people on how to heal. It is my life mission and exactly what I have done over the years. 

At this point in my career I have helped millions learn various parts of health and healing. I have taught people what it is to be an advocate for yourself and the power of self healing. 

But it wasn’t until I began implementing somatic healing modalities that I saw the deepest and most dramatic of healings. But, they didn’t always last. And then it hit me - for a person to have long-lasting transformation, all parts of what makes us human need to be aligned in order to create sustainable change.

This is why I have created this course for you. I have taken over 20 years of personal and academic research and combined it with 10 years of clinical medicine wisdom to finally bring to you the most comprehensive, somato-centric, holistic healing course.

"Just the energy behind signing up for this class already started to shift me into better alignment with my body. The act of letting myself know I was putting myself first in order to heal to then help others heal."

April W.

"This is the most powerful, deep, and transformative experience I have ever had. I am in gratitude forever for this experience."

 Richelle Y.